Thursday, June 18, 2009

Mortal Kombat - Going International

While the blog Mortal Kombat has only been up and running for under a week, I've had a lot of rave reviews of the material...there are just so many Ultimate fans!

As a result, I have gone far and above the call of duty for a beat reporter. I have now set up an e-mail address @ which (cwatididthere?) you guys can send any questions, comments, or things you'd like me to talk about in my next post :

I feel like a 12 year old on christmas eve each and every weekday. I get to sit down and talk to some of the most knowledgable Ultimate minds in the biz. I get into the office and I start to crave going to Subway for lunch...almost like how much I crave more gg Goby talk.

Until next time - Keep it classy, Cleveland.

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