Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Let's all just take a moment, and think about what this word means at a personal level. Some of you might imagine the last Subway series between the Mets and Yankees. Others may consider their daily routine via RTA/subway to travel for work (some would rather go by Macktruck than any other means of transportation). But I must say, you guys are all wrong. There is only one real image one should picture when the word 'subway' is uttered:

To the plain eye, this is just a footlong sandwich from Subway. Noob. There is much, much more to this 12 inch beauty. It is clear to me that this sweet onion chicken teriyaki has been treated with the utmost respect and tender loving care. You must employ sandwich artists to do your bidding. Anything less would not do it justice. Just ask GP how it's done...disregard child labor laws, and yellow coupons ftw.

Anyway, the Subway draft that was to be held today has been postponed due to a light precipitation of square pizza from Pizza Pan. I'll be back with the incredible results of the 2009 ESPN Subway Draft tomorrow, where we will discuss the winners and losers. Every epic drafting event requires at least one member of the Gobies present. I'll be sure to remember my lucky disc tomorrow.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

The Ultimate Update


I haven't been able to blog recently because of my inabilities to control my fits of madness due to lowered Ultimate playing time. Put me in coach.

After hearing all about the tournament the Gobies guys had last week, I had an unreal desire to get out there and practice. It's just so hard to get up in the morning thinking that frisbee will not be on my plate later on in the day. I threw around for a while today, but I felt my backhand took a turn for the worst after not tossing for almost 2 weeks.

Someone once gave me a frisbee for the winter holidays (let's maintain PC here), and I immediately placed it on my scale and saw that the reading was 174 grams. 175 is the official weight. I quickly proceeded to re-gift this to my least favorite biology teacher in 9th grade. I mean, giving someone an unofficial frisbee is almost saying that you do not matter in this world.

P.S. If you are reading this, please subscribe!

Monday, June 22, 2009

The Quest for a Million

So here the blog stands. Nearing 200 hits after being up for about 1 week. While I am usually not one to be all about the personal achievements, I feel that it is necessary to be straight forward with you guys. You might ask, "Liu, by a million, what exactly are you referring to?" Could it be for 1 million USD? Are you seeking 1 million followers to your blog (I currently only have 3, so please subscribe)? To all of these inquiries, I say no, even though Iwouldn't mind any if not all of those to come true.

I've dreamed of this ever since I was a wee toddler of obtaining 1,000,000 hits on a blog of mine. At my current pace of 200 hits a week, I will need 96.15 years to complete my dream. At that age, would no longer be an Ultimate threat (ever see me pull down a huck?). Some people chase after 500 homeruns in baseball using steroids, but I'm pretty sure the "juice" wouldn't help me in this case. So here is my SOS: I must achieve 1,000 hits by July 22nd, or else the Gobies will have to find a new beat blogger. I know I can do it, but not without the help of you guys. Good day.

P.S. After reviewing the submissions to the Gobies Blog poll, I've decided to call out each and ever member to a session of "Thrashing the Calves". 0/17 for Calves...is this a joke? Are you kidding me? I should contact LeBron to see if he's interested in leading this event.

Friday, June 19, 2009

A Little Q&A Sesh

Due to popular demand, I have responded to the following questions you all have been yearning to see answered since day 1:

What is your favorite throw?
-Why, the hammer of course!
What is your favorite O/D strategy?
-cup-o-saurous to be sure. I see you Q
What is your favorite type of party?
-Altima Party. Shout out to my main man "Party Paul"
What is your least favorite intersection to drive?
-Wade Oval and East Blvd
-The Gobies highlight reels (and there are a lot of them). Pr0n is put on the backburner at this point.
Favorite handler?
- Q-hundred. This modern day Odysseus (if you don't get the reference, just ask me) makes William Tell look out of his element.
Favorite cutter?
- K-Poke. His swim moves make me weak at the knees.
Favorite comedy skit?
- When the Gobies take the field, the oposition is a complete joke. The thrashing of chumps is always fun to watch.
Biggest impulse buy? Favorite cleats? Stay tuned for next time when I answer another round of probing and personal questions.
For those of you who have kept track of my throwing status up until now, here is a look at my progress thus far

Thursday, June 18, 2009

A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words

We have probably all heard of this phrase before. As some smart ass has pointed out in the past, 1001 words is worth more than a picture. Don't even get me started about that.

Now, for the real reason for this post. There is a vast selections of words out there with personal significance, each with a touching story/picture to go with. I'm currently studying vocab for the GRE's, but words such as intransigent and investiture just aren't sticking in my head. I felt that without a picture to associate with these words, my ability to remember them greatly decreases. This brings me to my point: I know all of you have wondered, I know what a goby is, but what really is the true meaning of gobies? Can you show us a picture? Is it just goby, but the plural form? I'm here to tell you that it's more...it's more than just the proper way to formulate correct grammer. So today, I leave you with this:

I was appalled at the fact that Merriam Webster did not have this entry. Thus, I felt it neccessary to pull some strings/connections I have with the Beach Ultimate Lovers Association (BULA) and provide you guys with asolid definition. It boggles my mind as to how Webster (superchump) could forget.

Mortal Kombat - Going International

While the blog Mortal Kombat has only been up and running for under a week, I've had a lot of rave reviews of the material...there are just so many Ultimate fans!

As a result, I have gone far and above the call of duty for a beat reporter. I have now set up an e-mail address @ which (cwatididthere?) you guys can send any questions, comments, or things you'd like me to talk about in my next post : liukangmang@gmail.com

I feel like a 12 year old on christmas eve each and every weekday. I get to sit down and talk to some of the most knowledgable Ultimate minds in the biz. I get into the office and I start to crave going to Subway for lunch...almost like how much I crave more gg Goby talk.

Until next time - Keep it classy, Cleveland.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Beat Reporter Himself

I know a lot of you are probably wondering...who is this kid? What does he know, and how established is he in the Ultimate community? Is he aware of the Goby style of play, but more importantly, way of life?

My blanket statement / resume is as follows:
1. I am a former Little League baseball umpire (worthless)
2. I throw on a weekly basis with a few formidable and well versed Ultimate playerz
3. Still below average on throws and catches (work in progress)
4. Exclusive member of the BULA (clutch)
Now for those nublets who aren't aware of the BULA aka Beach Ultimate Lovers Association, it is the international governing body of Beach Ultimate. Like I was saying, I am working around the clock to familiarize myself with the jargon of Ultimate, and intricate strategies that the Gobies employ. So far, I am only able to watch video of the Gobies (kudos to the camera crew for an excellent job). I am studying their horizontal stack offensive strategy, and taking notes as to the positions that each player plays. I have ideas that I'll bring to the next roundtable discussion -- as beat reporter, I hope I get invited. But yes, I was searching the web for a photo of myself, but all I could find was Q-hundred laying out during Poultry Days:

Caption: Q diving for the disc, which ultimately led to bruised ribs. Gotta love the effort. A question and answer session will may follow within a week to address any further concerns.

OK Guys

I just wanted to take some time out of my busy Wednesday at work and give my man K-Poke a shout out for another successful purchase. This slickdeals.net fiend ravenged the web in order to swindle Nike, once again. Let's face it, he looks slow in real life, but his speed is massively underrated. Damn, I'm digressing from my main point here to talk about my one love that is the sport of Ultimate. Somehow I manage to get carried away when I'm constantly surrounded by positive Goby vibes in the workplace.

In short, I'd like to give mad props to #2 for his gg deal: (I apologize for the blurry pic...too lazy to be leet about it)
I mean comeon, $0 for shipping and handling?? Chicks dig that. Macktruck digs that.
Also I want to mention thank you to the visitors of my blog for voting in the poll today. Please make a note of it to check for updates daily, as I will probably post 1-2 times during weekdays.
I may, however, be busy on Saturdays due to my recommended throwing routine as directed by my physician.

The Road to Regionals

Sometimes I can't get to bed at night, with only one thing on my mind. It's not even about the choice of lunch the next day (because 5 dollar footlongs is an auto-win). I've never had to make a harder decision in my lifetime. Anyway, does my body language give it away? Or could it be my tedious notes of the opposing team's players -- tendencies of the O / Dline, scouting reports on the X-factors and logs on logs of play by play video. One cannot even begin to explain the heartache from the previous season, from only being 2 wins away. We were so close. Sometimes I sit in my car, narrating certain songs with the events of last season. Who can blame me?

I'm going to keep up a furious string of polls in order to help maintain brain activity. I refuse to be the one who lets it get away this year. So I must admit, the one thing on my mind this year is : The Road to Regionals.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Just Another Day..

One more day, one more job offer. Some may consider it 'lucky' for me to be receiving all these job offers during such an unstable economy, and others perceive it as pure dedication.

Let me explain:

Today, it just so happened that I was sitting next to two guys in a car who were current members of my favorite Ultimate team, the Gobies. They're literally international now. We chatted strategy and game plans up for almost an hour, and I almost took off work to go get a frisbee. Anyway, I had mentioned my interest in the team, and out of the blue i was offered a position as 'Gobies Beat Reporter'. My peers tell me that I was in the right place at the right time.

As for my recent Ultimate activities, I last tossed this past Saturday. More on that tomorrow.

June 16th

So today I come into work, looking forward to a relaxing day at the office...when I then notice a large brown stain on my white shirt the size of a goby:

Monday, June 15, 2009

First post

Just testing....and #1